Daily Vocab from THE HINDU 03- April-2017

1. distress- संकट, विपत्ति, आपदा
sufferingpainagonytormentheartacheheartbreakmiserywretchednesssorrowgriefwoesadnessunhappinessdesolationdespair, perildifficultytroublejeopardyrisk, adversitypovertydeprivationprivationdestitutionindigenceimpoverishmentpenuryneeddire straits.

 The response to distress caused by excessive heat has to be both speedy and professional.

2.disruption- व्यवधान, भंग

In the Indian context, crop failures and disruption of electricity supply due to sudden peak demand are common.


It is essential to study the efficacy of heat action plans and share the results across States to achieve best practices.

4. draconian-कठोर, बेरहम, बेदर्द, निर्दय

Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi gave the Kerala government that the December order applied only to retail outlets and not to establishments such as bar-attached hotels, and beer and wine parlours. What was a harsh order is now draconian in its sweep.

5.catapults-उछालना, वेग से फेंकना
tossflingpitchcastlobbowllaunchcatapultprojectpropellet flyfirechuckheaveslingpegshy

As India catapults towards a digital economy, making ICT accessible to the disabled is a must

6.exacerbating-ख़राब करना, बदतर करना
worseninflamecompoundintensifyincreaseheightenmagnifyadd toamplifyaugmentadd fuel to the fire/flames

Poor accessibility due to lack of focused information and political will has led to social exclusion of people with disabilities, exacerbating the negative impact of the existing digital divide

7.unprecedented-अभूतपूर्व, अपूर्व, बेमिसाल
groundbreakingrevolutionarypioneeringepoch-makingunparalleledunequaledunmatchedunrivaledwithout parallelwithout equalout of the ordinaryunusualexceptionalsingularuniqueunexampled

This assumes a greater thrust given the unprecedented developmental activity in the country under the various missions launched by the present government, such as the Smart Cities Mission

8 punitive-दंडात्मक,

 Most importantly, the Act sets timelines to ensure implementation of the above and punitive action in the event of non-compliance.

9.  Retrofitting-add (a component or accessory) to something that did not have it when manufactured.

If principles of Universal Design are incorporated at the design stage, cost implications are negligible. Retrofitting, on the other hand, has huge cost implications.

10. pragmatic-व्यावहारिक, dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

matter-of-factsensibledown-to-earthcommonsensicalbusinesslikehaving both/one's feet on the groundhardheadedno-nonsensehard-nosed

It becomes our collective responsibility to ensure inclusive development, one that engages all stakeholders through a pragmatic and judicious combination of interventions.


If there has to be investment resurgence, it is necessary to create the climate which promotes this faith

12 bandied-
  1. pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way.

In 2011 and 2012, in discussions on the Indian economy, the one phrase that used to be bandied about was “policy paralysis”, pointing to the inability of the government to take policy decisions

13. tepid-तेज़, गुनगुना
 slightly warmat room temperature, apatheticmutedhalfheartedso-so'comme ci, comme ça'indifferentsubduedcoollukewarmuninterestedunenthused

The growth rate of the advanced economies remained low and the recovery from the crisis of 2008 was tepid which had an adverse impact on exports

14.  viable-व्यवहार्य
all viable “stalled” projects must be brought to completion

15. recalcitrance-अड़ियल, अक्खड़, हठी

This will make a difference to global climate outcomes in the context of U.S. recalcitrance under Trump

16.ostensibly-जाहिरा तौर पर, प्रकट रूप से
seeminglyon the face of itto all intents and purposesoutwardlysuperficiallyallegedlysupposedlypurportedly

 In March, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order, ostensibly promoting U.S. energy independence and economic growth


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